Contact me via e-mail at stephanie.siek(AT)

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2 thoughts on “CONTACT”

  1. Your CNN article today about mixed race children of American service personnel in Germany: another pice of this is that these children born around the world are not American citizens at birth. Those former european colonial powers the US likes to feel superior to have a better record on this impoetant point.

  2. RE: Thank you for “Is Hollywood ‘white-washing’ Asian Roles”

    Dear Ms. Siek,

    I recently read your article “Is Hollywood “white-washing” Asian Roles”, and I thought it was informative, insightful, and inspirational.

    As an Asian American actor in Los Angeles, I thank you for trying to bring to light a very personally important topic.

    I am currently finishing my M.F.A at California State University, Los Angeles and will be shooting my thesis film, which is a classic haunted house story with an Asian American twist, in just a few weeks. I’ve attached a link to a promo video about my film and about the struggles of Asian American actors in general, which I hope you find informative and useful. If you find it appropriate, I would appreciate you sharing it with others who might find it beneficial.

    Thank you once again for your words and your work!

    What Hollywood thinks of Asian Americans and what YOU can do about it!

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